search in such_da

You can use the search_da search portal to search for books, journals and digital media in the local library collection as well as for articles and references from databases available worldwide.

If the digital media found have been licensed by us, you will be linked directly to the full text. You can access the full text from the campus or via remote access.

Tips for searching in such_da

The existing printed and digital holdings of all h_da libraries are searched: Books, journals, university publications, DVDs, and much more.

You can subsequently narrow down and refine your search and the number of hits by selecting, for example location, online resources, subject area, language, year of publication, etc. etc.

You can search for online articles, books, references from bibliographic databases and much more. Please note that only some of the databases available for Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are included here. For a detailed subject-specific search, you should search directly in the respective subject databases. These can be found on the search results page under "Further information sources" or directly in DBIS.

You can use the "advanced search" to narrow down the search, e.g. to full texts or peer-reviewed texts.

You can also extend the search by searching for related terms or full texts of the articles select.

It is quite possible that you will not get a hit when searching with the author and title of the article, although the journal in which the article was published is available. Please also search under the title of the journal or anthology.

Bibliographic references to articles and books that are not in the library's collection are also displayed.

Several search terms are automatically linked by "and". You can also search with:

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

  • AND Search terms linked with AND must all occur.
  • OR An OR operation between two search terms results in hits in which one or both words are found (example: living alone OR single).
  • NOT before a search term excludes hits that contain this term.

Wildcards (*, ?)

You can leave the end of a word blank when searching:

  • * replaces any number of characters
  • ? replaces exactly one character

Phrases (exact word sequence: "...")

  • "Fuel cell" When searching for authors, the phrase search leads specifically to the result ("Stephen W. Smith").

You can call up your previous search queries via "Search history". However, the list will be lost when you leave the search portal. To save search queries, log in via your loan account/login, go to the search history and click on "Save" after the search query.

You can save found titles in a watch list. To do this, click on "Watchlist" in the hit list or from the full title display. Before you save the hit, you can add tags/keywords and your own comments. You can filter the hits saved in your watch list according to the tags.