Library of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
The library of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is the academic literature and information center for the entire university. It is a competent partner for students, faculties and administration for a fast and up-to-date supply of information. It supports the university in its aim to provide excellent conditions for studying, teaching and research.
As a central place of learning, it offers a modern collection of literature and media in both printed and digital form. The collection comprises over 170,000 books and over 500 journal subscriptions, as well as a constantly growing number of online resources and specialist databases. New information services are constantly being developed and expanded. User training and the promotion of information literacy are of great importance.
The library staff see themselves as a professional team of modern information specialists. They provide services in a friendly, fast and flexible manner. Through further training they are always up to date with the latest developments.