Renewal, reminder, return

Extension of the loan period

Your borrowed media can be renewed up to nine times as long as no other user has reserved it. You can renew three loan periods yourself via your personal loan account. To do this, go to your loan account and call up the list of your borrowed media. Select the media you wish to renew and then click on "Renew". Please check the new loan period yourself and make a note of it. Be sure to note any loan periods that have not been extended.

For further renewals, please contact the circulation desks or contact us by e-mail at

Reminder fees

If you exceed the loan period of a medium, reminder fees will be charged. The following reminder fees are charged per item:

  • 1st reminder: € 3.00
  • 2nd reminder: + 3,00 € (14 days later)
  • 3rd reminder: + € 6.00 (14 days later)

From € 6.00 in outstanding fees, no more borrowing transactions are possible.

The reminder fees must be paid in cash at the library within four months.

Returning the media

Please return your borrowed media to the relevant library in good time before the loan period expires. You can also return items using the self-checkout devices.

Outside opening hours, you can place your media in the return containers provided in front of the library entrances.

Return reminder by e-mail

Seven days before the loan period expires, you can receive a non-binding e-mail reminder to return or renew the media you have borrowed.

Please note: We cannot guarantee receipt. If you do not receive such a "reminder e-mail", you cannot derive any legal claims against the library from this. The e-mail is only a non-binding reminder. You are still obliged to return your items on time. If the return deadline is exceeded, reminders will be sent to you for a fee.

Loss of and damage to media

If you have lost or returned damaged media, you are obliged to provide and/or pay compensation. Please contact us.